I have gotten a few questions about the Dr. Who scarf, (I am now calling it the adapted Dr. Who Scarf since we made a few changes to the original.) I took my daughter to Michael’s and had her pick out 5 or 6 colors that she wanted in the scarf of Vanna’s Choice (DD2 uses the floor as a closet so there is no sense in putting a great deal of money into wonderful yarn that cannot be thrown in the washer and dryer.) I am finding the yarn to be easy to work with, and it isn’t tearing up my hands like most acrylics do, it’s not splitting and it is not snagging. I will definitely be using it again. DD2 selected red, navy, espresso, gray, and linen as the colors and they are mixing together nicely. Here is a picture of it so far, look at all the ends that are going to have to weave in, (but I enjoy weaving in the ends, I wonder why that is. I think this scarf is going to be a test of that). Anyway, she likes the way it is turning out, and that is all that counts.

I did accomplish most of the things I wanted to this weekend; I emptied 5 boxes and cleaned off the deck. I also made a run to Goodwill with the things I rid of for the month of January. One of my goals for the year was to get rid of 5 things every month and I made my goal for January. I got rid of another purse, a decorative throw that does not match my décor anymore, 3 books, extra hoses from CPAP machines, and a headband. I wish it was just as easy to lose weight as it is to lose junk.
What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod (or music collection)?
The Bus Songs by Toby Keith.
How much time do you spend each day in your commute? (Or if you don't work outside the house, how much time do you spend in your car or other preferred mode of transportation?)
10 minutes, is that cool or what! When I lived in Atlanta, my commute was 45 minuted to an hour and a half, so this is great.
What's your favorite wardrobe item and why?
Yoga pants, they are wonderful and verrry comfortable.
We have a few contests to enter. I think everyone is bored since the holidays so. . .
First, Jane at Grammiknits is having a contest for her 500th post celebrations. To enter go
here and tell her what you do to combat cabin fever. Very easy and simple.
Aunt Kathy is also having a contest for the month; it runs through the 28th of Feb. All you have to do is go to her blog to enter a comment, and every day that you comment you get another entry.Very cool!
And finally, Wendy is having a contest to celebrate her
etsy shop. She has handmade needles, felted bags, and wonderful crocheted items. Go
here to enter and also check out the etsy shop.
Wow, I forgot about Grace’s contest (which is really dumb because she always has such great contests). She is having a Follow Me Contest, all you have to do is click on the Follow Me link and you will be registered for the contest. She is giving away a gorgeous shawl or the yarn for a different shawl. Go
here to enter.
Please let everyone know that I sent you.