Last night was a very bad night! Poor Di could not quit coughing (a side effect of the heart failure) and the hydrocodone was not working, even though I tripled her dose. I ended up sitting with her trying to calm her for hours, and she just kept looking at me begging me to make it stop. The oddest thing of the whole night was that she still had the energy to chase Onyx off the bed (though I had to lift her back up on the bed.) This is how I know that she is not ready to leave me yet. She still eats, goes outside, and chases the cats through the house. My eyes are hurting from crying with her all night, but her breathing is much easier today and she wants to play. This is very hard.
I received the yarn I ordered from
Elann today, but now I am too tired to use it, but that company is so fast, I love them. The additional colors are great and blend well with the existing yarn in the scarf. I think I am going to knit tonight, no matter how tired I am, simply because I am excited to see how it works out.
Have you noticed how many people are selecting words of the year instead of resolutions? Why is a word better than resolutions, isn’t it almost the same thing in a general way of thinking? I don’t usually make resolutions or “Words of the Year” because it just sets me up for failure, which is not a good thing. I can feel cruddy enough about what I have or have not done throughout the year. I normally spend this time of year depressed anyway because I am getting older, (March 15) I reflect on failures and aging and how short life is, I have given myself a panic attack a couple of times thinking about the shortness of life (isn’t that stupid). It is funny though, I am sad this year, which I am sure is partly related to our move, but getting older is not as depressing to me this year as it has been in the past. Now, its like, “Oh yeah, another birthday. Will I get good presents?” (My family starts asking what I want for my birthday on Boxing Day, lololol. So I hope I am getting the swift and ball winder I asked for this year.) Yes I know that sounds like a little kids way of thinking, but do any of us ever grow up all the way? And you have to admit that it is fun to open presents. :-)
I have to go give Di some more cough medicine, and make a cake. Toni has made me want chocolate and I ate it all over the weekend. I am sorry if this post is depressing, but that is not how it is meant.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and accomplishing what they want to accomplish.
Hope you get to knit a little, and Di feels better and that you get your birthday wish, without sadness
I'm so sorry about Di. I know that helpless feeling you get when they come to you for help and there's nothing you can do. The look in Monty's eyes just about killed me.
I hope you both get some rest tonight and that you get to do some knitting for therapy.
Sorry about Di.
Um, can you send a bit of that cake this-a-way?
I hope Di gets better soon. I'm sure she appreciates you sitting up with her.
Hope Di feels better soon.
I hadn't heard of the "Words of the Year" thing.
Haha, my word verification is "thing"!!
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