The Darn Scarf is DONE. I ended up using 4 skeins of the Elann Highland Chunky Oatmeal Heather, 2 skeins of the Chocolate and 1 of the Chestnut. The picture to the right is how much yarn was left of the last skein when I decided enough was enough when it reached 98 inches long and both ends matched. It is now being blocked one half at a time, as the animals love to run wild and there is no place that is long enough to do the whole thing at one time and to keep the animals off of it.
I want to thank everyone who offered suggestions for adding to the other cast-on end of the scarf. I started by picking up the stitches on the cast on end, however it left a bump in the scarf which I didn’t like the feel of. So I put in a life line about 2 inches down from the cast on end, and cut the cast on row off. I then cleaned up the end, picking out all the junk and until there was one clean row and picked up my 30 stitches and kept on going until both ends of the scarf matched.
Now I can finish of the other scarf (the one for DD1’s boyfriend) once I gather up all the yarn and buy a new set of needles. My silly cats like to pick the yarn up in their mouths and carry it all over the house as you can see by these pictures. And then Lola (the Chihuahua) likes to help them out by chewing on the ends of the bamboo circulars. Of course, these are the circulars that are covered with the blue dye from the yarn, so I guess she did me a favor? Don’t ya love the 4 legged children in our lives?
It is warmer here than it is in GA, what is wrong with this picture?
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Congrats on finally finishing the scarf!
Don't you wish sometimes they weren't so "helpful?"
Yeah, I forgot about the ridge of the cast on edge. I would've done the same as you did - can't have unanticipated ridges.
Good job!
The scarf looks great! I love the striping you did.
Oh goodness, your cats are as bad as our dogs about running around with yarn! Though, usually it's just that the pups get tangled up in it rather than actually stealing it away from me.
I cringe at the thought of broken needles, especially bamboo circs!
The scarf looks great!
Oi, the weather where I live keeps changing, too. Last week it was in the 60s. Today it was snowing! My sinuses...
You did a great job on the scarf. He'll love it.
It's beautiful! It looks so warm and thick. I'd have just given up and ripped the whole thing out, or frogged it and threw it away. I never would have figured out how to get it to do what I wanted.
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