I want to make some improvements to my blog, so of course that means I have a few questions from all of the people who know more about it than I do.
First, how can I set up my blog so that I get an email everytime I receive a comment on my blog? I would love to respond to all the comments, but sometimes it is a little cumbersome if I have to generate all the info, especially when I know the system can do it for me.
How do I create a blog button? Is there someone who I can contact (and of course pay) to do it for me or is it something I have to learn how to do by myself?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
BTW, since when does a 40% chance of precipitation lead to a foot of snow? after reading the weather report, I went to bed figuring the weather would be like yesterday’s, cool and windy; however I woke up this morning and was stunned to see more snow (and it is still snowing).
I hope everyone is having a great (and warm) day!
I didn't even know there was a delurker day! Now that I'm finally caught up on blogs I can comment! As for the comments in your email...in blogger go to settings...then comments...then at the bottom enter your email in comment notification email. I still can't respond to everyone, but I can to quite a few people!
I love the delurking day logo! How fun!
I wish I knew how to respond to all comments. Some have an email address, but so many come through as "no reply" that I can only respond to a few. I'd love to know how to fix that. If I ever get it figured out, I'll let you know!
Sent you a message on ravelry:)Hugs Darcy
I just lurve the graphics for the "delurking day", so here I am - DELURKED! :)
Delurking to leave you a comment :)
I had no clue there was a delurking day. Hope you don't get lost in the snow. A cold front is blowing through tonight and it's sooooo windy.
Delurking, what a great idea. I would love to know who my readers are.
I missed de-lurking day at least posting about it cause I blog so close to the end of the day, next year.
Do you know what you want your blog button to look like? I can help you with that, maybe.
Love your Delurking Day logo too...cool post.
There's a setting in Blogger. Go to the Settings tab, then the comments, then select the Comment Notification Email option and enter the email where you want the comments to go. Easy as pie.
I had no idea there was a delurking day this month. I vaguely recall something like that a year or two ago. I'm just out of the loop.
You've already gotten info on how to set Blogger to send you email for every comment you receive. The challenge with Blogger is that you can't easily contact people unless they provide you with the info -- either directly or indirectly (if you can hunt down their blog via their Blogger profile, if their profile is set to public view). There has been so many times I've wanted to respond to a question left in a comment, only to find out I had to way of contacting the person.
I missed delurker day! So I'm delurking now.
Hello, Georgi!!!
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