DD1’s boyfriend came up on Saturday and brought their rescued toy poodle for me to take care of for them. He originally belonged to an elderly couple who could no longer afford to keep him so they gave him up, he was adopted out twice and they were getting ready to put him to sleep because the adoptive families kept bringing him back. One family said he bit, and I don’t know what the other family’s reason was; well, DD1 and BF adopted him, even though they had two dogs and two cats already and things were going okay until DD1 started working in IA instead of GA. Suffice it to say, the little snausage is with me for a while. He is a very needy little thing, always wants to be on someone’s lap or someone must be petting him. He does play with Lola, but she lets him know when he steps over the line, so it’s all good. The biggest problem is that he weighs 10 lbs and should only weigh seven, and he thinks he only needs to eat people food, and that said food should be available to him at all hours of the day and night. So we are having a test of wills, since he is 9 years old, I have to get that weight off of him before he starts having problems with his hips. Fortunately, for me he does not have opposable thumbs, so I will be the winner. Lolol Why is it so much easier to keep the animals on a diet than it is to keep ourselves on a diet????
Don't you think it would have been nice of her to tell me that the dog is hard of hearing?

Have a great day!