I have been beavering away on my sweater, but as I said, it takes longer to make a sweater for a fat person than a thin one. You would think that it would encourage me to lose weight, but I do love eating. :-) The sweater is looking good, the stitches seem even and smooth and no giant boo boos are appearing. I do think that I will knit the front and back together on the next one and do away with the side seams. It is now time for me to start the top portion, which is on a chart.

I have never worked on a chart before so I am a little bit nervous about it. I think I may go ahead and cast on for the front before I start the lace on the top of the back. What a boob (or is it a chicken?). If any of you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.
I am still in a hotel and I am getting ???? (do not know what word to use). Yes, I am whining again. This is not the hardest thing in the world, at least we have a roof over our heads and everyone is healthy, but it is so small and privacy is a thing of the past. We move on the 21st of August and we are all getting very anxious. I think I just need to count my blessings instead of whining so much.
I found some contests that look like fun. First there is
Addicted to Knitting, whose contest is about family traditions, do you like them or buck them. Some of the comments are hilarious, and you can enter
here. If you do decide to enter, please let them know that I sent you.
Knitting and Sewing and all Forms of Procrastination has a contest and all you have to do is leave a comment about yourself. Very easy and fun, you can enter
here. If you do decide to enter, please let them know that I sent you.
Finally there is
Knit and Purr’s contest which takes a little more effort but is still fun. All you have to do is guess the number of pets she has and their names, but she is giving away some great yarn. She says “Lisa Souza Sock!, Dashing Dachs, Lorna's Laces, and maybe some Wollmeise

- maybe. I may even give choices." You can’t get any better than that. You can enter
here. And as always, please let her know I sent you.