So Saturday we get to sample wedding cakes for breakfast, doesn’t that sound fun??? I am not sure of the size or anything else, but I know one layer has to be chocolate. This is a picture of the cake she would like, though she wants red roses on top instead of pink. (I don't know where the picture came from so sorry about the photo credit thingy)
I am overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we have to do, but DD2 is very excited and has really stepped up to the plate. She has reserved the rooms, the van is taken care of and she is planning her trip to Europe at the same time. She leaves about 5 days after the wedding so I am grateful that she is handling everything. Saturday afternoon will not be so great tho, we will be at David’s trying on bridesmaid dresses, which will be a most evil form of torture. I will make sure to take valium with me for both of us. lolol
I have been knitting finally, nothing picture, worthy, but it is moving along. The yarn and the needles fell good in my hands and is very relaxing; it makes me wonder why I put it down.
I hope you all have a great weekend.

1. Wouldn't it be easy if I could just speak my responses to emails instead of typing.
2. ___????____ better than ever!
3. I love the taste of creamy chocolate.
4. We live in the living room.
5. The first thing we're going to do is drink heavily.
6. The water faucet is going drip, drip, drip; it is very annoying.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to playing Mafia Wars, tomorrow my plans include sampling wedding cakes, shopping for bridesmaid dresses, and . . . and Sunday, I want to sleeeeep!