Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I have been thinking all day about being thankful and grateful; it is sometimes hard to select the things we are grateful for, as there are times when things do not looks so great or are just plain depressing. Today I have a meager list of what I am thankful for, but I know in my heart, that there are many more, it is just hard to see them today.
  • I am thankful for the fact that my family is healthy, no flu (piggy or otherwise) no colds, no major illnesses.
  • I am thankful that I have a job that puts a roof over my head and provides for my retirement without too much effort from me.
  • I am thankful that my daughters have become responsible and productive adults.
  • Finally, I am thankful for all the people who care about me and others when they are low and feeling down (gee isn’t that phrase from an old song?).


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the idea of a Thankful Thursday!

rita said...

I'm thankful that I have you as my friend!

Grace said...

thankful here for the power of the internet to bring us all closer together