You read here that we bought a huge Christmas tree; well it was so big I couldn’t reach
it to put the lights on, so it has been just sitting in the living room taking up what little room we allowed for the darn 10’ monstrosity. This morning we decided we were definitely going to have to purchase more lights so we left and got them and DD1 put them on the tree, it was so pretty it didn’t need the decorations. Here is a picture of it, though we still have not found the tree topper, (it is so tall it doesn’t matter, I can’t see it) and half of our ornaments are still hidden in the basement, I still like it.
I am still PO’ed at the PO, I have mailed a package to Marilyn three times and it keeps coming back. I don’t know what is wrong this time, the postage was correct and the customs declaration was completed correctly, but I received it back again last night. Marilyn, I don’t think these hats were destined to reach you. I will probably just take them to a local homeless shelter tomorrow. I am sorry the PO and I could not get together on this. I hope you had enough hats.
DD1 decided my house was too messy and that we were going to clean out the basement. We emptied about 24 boxes, found my old jewelry box and made room to walk around the basement. I am so glad she did because we got rid of a lot more stuff.

26. 102 books to Goodwill.
27. 20 books listed on Paperback swap.
28. 1 giant framed picture of woods (that normally would hang behind a sofa) to Goodwill.
29. A framed picture of a magnolia.
30. A working Nintendo that no one uses.
31. A Moo Cow creamer that was cute, but just more clutter.
32. Left over parts to a closet assembly kit.
33. 4 cookbooks that I have never opened.
She has decided that we are working in the garage tomorrow, I wonder how she would feel if I called in sick?
Nice tree... maybe you should send the package via UPS or FedEX or something like that.
You've reminded me that we have an ancient Nintendo and Sega Genesis somewhere (don't ask why we didn't throw it out before we moved to the new house).
I sent a package the first of the month to Marilyn and she hasn't received it yet but it hasn't been returned either HMMMMM
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