Saturday, February 9, 2008

Winter Doldrums

I live in the south, so we usually have enough sun to avoid the doldrums, which is wonderful. However, when the weather turns and it stays cold and cloudy for more than a week I will get down in the dumps or the doldrums. If it is really bad, I will go to a tanning bed for a few days and the lights will lift my spirits, this works really well, but I have to be careful and use sunscreen. I love the feeling of laying in the sun and soaking up the shiny rays, even if it is bad for me. I used to try shopping, but then I would get depressed about spending money that I didn’t have, so I decided that did not work for me. Going to the movies sometimes helps, especially a romantic comedy, or something that will make me forget what the outside looks like.

Another thing I do to make myself feel better is spend a day in bed with my favorite snacks, knitting and a book and do exactly what I want to do for several hours. Normally this makes me feel better for having been so selfish for the day. I guess that makes me a selfish person, but it works and I feel better at the end of the day.

I have finished my swap partner’s second dishcloth, and I love it, though it is very simple. Sometimes the simplest cloths turn out to be the prettiest. Now as soon as the other stuff is delivered, I can mail it off to her.

I am now working on a baby sweater for a friend who is having a girl and asked for nothing to be pink. I settled for the ubiquitous yellow, a good fallback when I am knitting for a baby and I do not know the sex. This woman hates pink stuff for some reason, soooo . . . I am using EZ’s baby sweater out of the Knitters Almanac and it is so precious. I almost wish I was knitting for a baby for me, but then I shake my head and realize I don not really want another baby, I just want one that I can cuddle for a few minutes and then hand back to its mother.

Well, back to knitting, this is a selfish Saturday, though I am not in bed, but cuddled up in MY chair in the living room with a fire going (though it really isn’t cold enough for one).

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