Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year to Everyone!
It is hard to believe that we have been in the 21st century for 10 years. I remember when everyone was running around trying to upgrade computers and stockpile food and water for when the “Y2K” disaster happened (that did not)lolol. I am going to have a laid back and stress free New Years Eve and I hope that all of you do also. My resolution for the year is to make no resolution, for either the year or the decade.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Blogs and Missing Mojo
My knitting mojo seems to have left me lately; all I want to do is play Mafia Wars on Facebook, which is a serious time drain. Does anyone have a suggestion for getting back into the groove??? I sure could use one.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas and Resolutions
It was weird to have only the three of us this year, the Hubster, DD2 and me. It made the cooking load lighter and the house quieter.
I know many people are planning for the New Year, getting ready with their knitting projects and resolutions; however, I have decided not to make resolutions this year. I rarely keep them longer than a week, and springtime is easier for me to start a resolution. IMHO, spring should be the start of the New Year, not the in January (yuck the winter). The cold and the dark are not conducive for making a plan and following through for me at least. What about you, do you have huge numbers of resolutions??
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Winter!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Spent and Tired
Have a great new week!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Blather and Friday Fillins
I hope you are all more prepares for the holidays than I am, cause I have some serious work to complete this weekend in order to get everything completed for next week. It’s a good thing I am not planning on passing out knitted gifts this year, cause that would be a giant fail.
I have decided I am not going to worry or stress about the holidays this year, I am going to knit my through them and hope that everyone just enjoys being together. I am not rushing out on Christmas Eve to buy one more present, if I do not have everything by Tuesday, it just won’t happen. If a present is wrapped in newspaper, at least it is wrapped, no more perfection (or attempts at) for me. This all sounds really good doesn’t it? Does anyone want to take bets on it happening this way?
Have a great weekend; I will see you in the funny papers!
1. No, we will NOT be traveling for Christmas.
2. Christmas dinner will be at the old kitchen table.
3. I watched the steam rising from the hot cup of coffee (or tea) and thought: mmmmm.
4. Everything is going to be okay.
5. I'll take two, please.
6. People are sometimes difficult to understand, at least from my point of view.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to baking cookies and knitting, tomorrow my plans include shopping, replacing the battery in my car, baking some more, and knitting and Sunday, I want to clean up, clean out the refrigerator and decorate the tree!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I Don't Think So
You Are Cleaning the Toilet |
You are tough, determined, and strong willed. You are willing to take on any task, no matter how unsavory. You have nerves and a stomach of steel. It's hard to gross you out, and it's hard to get under your skin. You have what it takes to go far in life. When other people give up, you're still gaining momentum. You are willing to put in the hard work to achieve the best results. You aren't afraid of getting right in the mix. |
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Villain and the Victim; Friday Fillins
The Villian according to Lola-->
I would be knitting tonight, but both dogs feel the need to sit on my lap.
Have a great weekend!
1. Good times: good friends, good food, good wine.
2. Welcome to my home.
3. Sleigh bells ring are you listening?
4. _____________ little.
5. Once more, with feeling!
6. Will 2012 be the end?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nothing, tomorrow my plans include cleaning, shopping and baking; and Sunday, I want to do it all again, with maybe some knitting thrown in!
Monday, December 7, 2009
DD2 and I bought our Christmas tree Saturday and it is up, but not decorated, we are soooo lazy, but it is just too cold to get into the garage and dig them out. We were both so curmudgeonly on Friday, I was not sure if we would have a tree. Neither one of us has been feeling the season, it is a problem sometimes, it is awful when we both get in a funk. I know it is too early in the season for it to be a seasonal funk, but there you have it, maybe just being around people helped out. We spent Saturday having a girl’s day, pedicures, massages, and shopping, perhaps that helped a bit.
When we go for massages, I always use them for therapy on shoulders, neck and arms, but the one I had Saturday almost crippled me. The guy found the sore spots and worked them hard, so yesterday when my sink fell apart (garbage disposal had a clog) while I was trying to cook, it was just about the straw that broke the camel’s back. And my hands were also sore from the massage, so I could not knit. I need a holiday from life I think.
I hope you have a warmer day than I am having. :-)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Shopping, a Question, and Friday Fill Ins
I was doing the Friday Fill-in thingy and number five got me to thinking. You know how panhandlers will stand at the highway off ramps and busy intersections collecting money with little signs saying, “I am desperate” or “I am broke”. I always wonder how you can tell which of those people are truly desperate and which of them just make their living that way. I always feel guilty for not giving them money, but at the same time, I feel like I work hard, and I do not want to give money away to someone who doesn’t want to get a job (I don’t mean someone who cannot get a job). I always feel guilty if I do not give them money, but my husband always tells me that they make more money than I do, but can that be the case with everyone who stands on a corner asking for money? So my question to you my bloggy friends is how do you decide which people to give to or do you at all?
1. You get cookies for Christmas.
2. I find that it is best to get right to the point.
3. It's holiday time.
4. Life is often ridiculous!
5. I feel more blessed when I read about others who are not.
6. I’m done...goodnight!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making dinner, grocery shopping, tomorrow my plans include going to the movies, cooking, and knitting and Sunday, I want to decorate the tree and veg!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dogs on Thursday!
Ohh, and I got to knit last night! Wahoo.
Monday, November 30, 2009
DD1’s boyfriend came up on Saturday and brought their rescued toy poodle for me to take care of for them. He originally belonged to an elderly couple who could no longer afford to keep him so they gave him up, he was adopted out twice and they were getting ready to put him to sleep because the adoptive families kept bringing him back. One family said he bit, and I don’t know what the other family’s reason was; well, DD1 and BF adopted him, even though they had two dogs and two cats already and things were going okay until DD1 started working in IA instead of GA. Suffice it to say, the little snausage is with me for a while. He is a very needy little thing, always wants to be on someone’s lap or someone must be petting him. He does play with Lola, but she lets him know when he steps over the line, so it’s all good. The biggest problem is that he weighs 10 lbs and should only weigh seven, and he thinks he only needs to eat people food, and that said food should be available to him at all hours of the day and night. So we are having a test of wills, since he is 9 years old, I have to get that weight off of him before he starts having problems with his hips. Fortunately, for me he does not have opposable thumbs, so I will be the winner. Lolol Why is it so much easier to keep the animals on a diet than it is to keep ourselves on a diet????
Don't you think it would have been nice of her to tell me that the dog is hard of hearing?
Have a great day!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another Silly Quiz
You Are Edward Cullen |
In general, you are an upstanding, ethical, and compassionate person. You aren't a stereotypical vampire. Of course, you're only undead, so you can't help but be tempted occasionally. You do a good job keeping your cravings in check. You are a true romantic, and you live to take care of your sweetheart. You couldn't go on if you hurt the one you love. You have many worries and conflicts deep in your heart. You may seem distant or cold, but it's only because you care so much. |
Saturday, November 21, 2009
You Should Date a Vampire |
You're attracted to intense, complicated people. You think danger is sexy. You're willing to risk your heart (or even your neck) if it means you get to be with a super hot, super powerful vampire. You think that there's a fine line between pain and pleasure. And you're certainly willing to learn exactly where that line is. You think there's nothing hotter than a vampire falling for you. You're honored to be chosen by such an experienced and wise creature. |
Friday, November 20, 2009
TGIF or . . .
1. We need more love and charity in our world.
2. I saw the sun and it made me smile.
3. If you want to accomplish something it is best to get off the computer (unless you want to accomplish a lot of blogging).
4. I am hungry because ice cream for dinner does not cut it.5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think that Massachusetts is just looking for more money. Why should someone have to pay higher taxes because they can afford to spend money on something that is considered frivolous?
6. Family and love makes for a happy holiday.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to see nothing, tomorrow my plans include going to see New Moon, shopping, and laundry and Sunday, I want to knit!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I think this Thankful Thursday is a wonderful idea, it reminds us to be grateful for what we have instead moaning about what we do not have. So here is my list for this week-
I am thankful for my internet friends. This would have been a hard few months without them.
I am thankful that my daughters and I will be together for Thanksgiving because we always have fun together.
I am thankful that the weather has warmed up from last week and that the snow is almost gone.
I am thankful for my rotten cats that are so funny and make me laugh.
I am thankful for the coordinators who work with me and their patience, as I am perennially late.
It doesn’t seem like much, but every little bit helps. :-)
Now I can whine, right? You knew I had to; I haven’t for a couple of days. My eyes are not as icky now, but they are almost swollen shut and they hurt to touch. It wasn’t bad enough that I had to throw all the makeup away, my eyes are so swollen it looks like I am walking around with my eye shut, not a pretty thing in this very round face of mine. lolol
I am responsible for holding a quarterly conference call and it was scheduled for today, I of course could not see so had called in sick. I woke up about 5 minutes before the call and had to dash around setting up my work computer and putting my cell phone on the charger so I could call in. I finally got on the phone about 5 minutes late and had to apologize to 31 people who were waiting for me. It was embarrassing.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Icky Eyes
I hope your day is wonderful!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Actual Knitting Picture
A Cold Saturday
How is your weekend going?
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Cat Tale and Friday Fillins
1. The last band I saw live was too long ago to remember.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is being with family and sharing the cooking with my daughters.
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is not even thought of yet.
4. Thoughts of sugarplums fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear skinny jeans without looking like a ballon on a stick.
6. Bagpipes are very cool.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nothing but reading and knitting, tomorrow my plans include making bread, knitting, watching the snow and Sunday, I want to do the same thing all over again!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thankful Thursday
- I am thankful for the fact that my family is healthy, no flu (piggy or otherwise) no colds, no major illnesses.
- I am thankful that I have a job that puts a roof over my head and provides for my retirement without too much effort from me.
- I am thankful that my daughters have become responsible and productive adults.
- Finally, I am thankful for all the people who care about me and others when they are low and feeling down (gee isn’t that phrase from an old song?).
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Maybe tomorrow I will also get off my butt and download all the picture I have taken and post some of them :-)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
My Sister Toni
I am now back in Colorado and I miss Toni and I know her kids do also, though they are all grown and on their own. It does not seem right for a sister younger than me (15 months) to be gone before me. Because we were so close in age we were raised almost as though we were twins, we dressed alike, shared clothes, received the same presents on the holidays and hung out together until we married and I moved out of state. I wish that I had called her more and sent her more emails.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I completed the Silk Garden scarf (picture tomorrow if there is any sun) and will start a hat to match tonight, just cannot decide on the style, beret or beanie cap. I will probably decide by the amount of yarn, which makes sense. lolol I have also started another scarf and getting ready to cast on a pair of socks, when I find the double points I brought with me. I have not figured out how to use the magic loop yet, I keep getting confused, but how can it be so difficult for one person when so many others are able to use it? I think I have a thick head about some things. :-)
DD2 sent me a text message telling me that my cats miss me; she said they woke her up this morning and she was not the least bit happy about it. I told her she could close her bedroom door, but she is a wee bit cranky so she did not like that answer.
We start home on Thursday, and should be there on Saturday. See you in the funny papers!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Quiz
You Are Optimistic and Sweet |
You're the type of person who wears a costume representing who you wish you were. You're likely to dress up as a historical figure or a super hero. You think it's fun to dream and play a little. Halloween really brings out your lighter side. Your favorite Halloween celebration is with your favorite people. You love to see what costumes your friends end up wearing. You feel like you can learn a lot from what your friends choose to be this time of the year. It's how they really reveal themselves. |
Friday, October 23, 2009
Still On The Road and Friday Fillins
We are now in Hot Springs, soaking up the hot water and doing nothing. I am knitting and reading and floating. The scarf I started with Noro Silk Garden is almost done and I am just about ready to start a matching hat, so I am accomplishing something with my vegging.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful autumn!
1. The crickets sing, _???__.
2. Thankfulness is good wherever you are in your life.
3. I want to get far away from the meeegrums.
4. I was on a tour of the world; this was a dream.
5. But as for me I will continue to be productive and try to help others.
6. Hiawatha, is where I come from
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to knitting, tomorrow my plans include soaking in the hot springs, reading and knitting, and Sunday, I want to veg some more!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Vacation Here I Come and Friday Fillins
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will post when I can!
1. So are we going someplace fun?
2. Danger is what's up ahead.
3. I love to knit, veg, and eat chocolate.
4. _????____ of some sort.
5. I walk a little bit.
6. Love is the true elixir of life!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting ready to leave on a trip, tomorrow my plans include riding in a truck, knitting, and reading and Sunday, I want to soak in a hot tub!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Work Can Sometimes Suck
I am tired, sorry for the short post, but it is off to bed with me.
You Are Most at Home in the Bedroom |
You're the type of person who finds sanctuary in your home. Your home is your private space. While you may be a social person outside the home, it's very rare that you invite people into your home. There's nothing like spending time alone in your bedroom - relaxing and reflecting about your day. You truly treasure your time by yourself. You need to be able to recharge every so often in order to thrive. |
Friday, October 9, 2009
Blather and Friday Fill Ins
This has been a really long week; I have been prepping reports for the department, and writing the memos that go with them, justifying any variances or out of whack issues. The reports sections are not difficult, I can manipulate the data easily, but writing the memos kills me. I like to write as I talk (as you can tell) and I cannot do that in memos to the department. I have to use “governmentese” which is not pretty or easy to understand in most cases.
DD1 has been in Illinois this week looking for an apartment, and it has been very funny. She has never had to relocate on her own before, so she has never searched for an apartment and evidently, there was not a lot to choose from. She did finally find one across the state line in Iowa, but she called me a gazillion times while she and her boyfriend were looking. She starts in a couple of weeks and the agency can move her at any time during her training, so the boyfriend will not be going at first and she will be all on her own.
I am so happy that this is a three-day weekend I could die! Have a great weekend!
1. Sweet dreams to you.
2. & 3 Silliness is imperative, especially for me.
4. I will not be home this Halloween.
5. Outstanding or not , I will knit.
6. A gooey, creamy chocolate bar is what I want right now!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to cleaning up, tomorrow my plans include cleaning, errands, etc. and Sunday, I want to veg!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Aging or Ageless?
I am still knitting, though the shot in the wrist yesterday made me want to rethink that. I have three different scarves going, plus three pairs of socks and a sweater. I have quit knitting for extensive periods of time, and I do the exercises, but I have been working 7 days a week so of course the stupid thing is not improving! DUUHH
I have decided I want a cape for fall and early spring, I have been freezing to death lately and I think a cape would handle that. Does anyone have suggestions about patterns???
BTW, it is supposed to snow here this weekend, tomorrow’s high is forecast at 42F.
Have a good day and be productive.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Time Off and Hoarding
I enjoyed my whole 4 days off. I did not touch my computer and did not answer the phone. I slept when I wanted (which Lola really appreciated), ate when I wanted to, and showered (if and) when I wanted to (let me point out tho, I do have a delicate nose so the shower thing is always daily, just different times of the day sometimes.) I actually washed every pair of underwear I own (yes I was out of underwear) which has not happened for a while. I even sat my butt in a chair and used the sticks and strings for fun, not to meet a deadline or for someone else’s wants. Now tomorrow when I go to PT, they are going to ask why my wrist is swollen, lolol.
The weather has been cold here, poor Lola was very glad that I have been lying on my butt so she could stay warm. Have you ever noticed that a Chihuahua is usually cold?
I have to get back to work, but I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Happy New (Fiscal) Year!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Whining and Friday Fillins
DD1 is moving to Illinois in October, she got a great job with the feds and she will be moving next month. She worked for 6 months with applications and resumes to get a federal job, and she found a good one. I am proud of her for persevering, though I know she got discouraged. I asked her if she needed help, but she says she does not, so. . . But since she is moving from GA to IL she needs winter stuff, (I don’t think she realizes how cold it gets there) that means scarves, hats, gloves, and socks for her. lolol
DD2 is sloooowly recovering, I don’t think she has ever been this ill, she is so miserable, she is sleeping a lot. She has missed an entire week of classes and I know that is going to make the next few week miserable for her.
I hope you have a good weekend!
1. One week ago the weather was much warmer than it is today.
2. I learned to tap dance when I was young (but sure cannot do it now).
3. Mama told me to always wear clean underwear (without holes).
4. ____???_____ you and me.
5. Take your time, life goes on.
6. And this too will pass!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to vegging, tomorrow my plans include working 12 hours and Sunday, I want to play but will be working!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Whiskers on Wednesday
It is still cold here (43F), but no snow last night, which is a good thing, but now they are predicting it for rush hour. Thank goodness, it isn’t cold enough to stick!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The weather forecast for tonight is snow.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Monday, September 21, 2009
I finished the blanket, and it is cute, picture tomorrow when it is dry. I am working on a lacy one-row scarf that I started in June; it is lightweight so it doesn’t hurt to hold it and knit.
I have nothing else for now, working 7 days a week is a real drain on my brain (I am a poet who didn’t know it). lolol
Friday, September 18, 2009
Work, Work, Work, and Friday Fillins
This is another weekend of working full time, it’s too bad I can’t get over time and have to settle for comp time. But looking at that in another way, the comp time is covering my physical therapy appointments (is that a silver lining?)
1. My car needs to be cleaned inside and out and waxed.
2. Nap time is coming up next.
3. Lately, things seem to be piling up.
4. My bed is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.
5. What happened to summer?
6. Knitting with a boo-boo is not impossible!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to knitting, tomorrow my plans include working and a massage and Sunday, I want to play, but will be working again!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Whiskers on Wednesday
Jill (DD2’s cat) checks on me at night (and wakes me up) but she is the funniest cat. Demands that I keep the water bowl in my room filled for her (she is the only one that uses it) and she will get pissy with me until I do.
Aren’t cats great!
This and That
Look at the cool knitting organizer I bought from thesweetcushion at Etsy. She was very responsive, gave me a choice of fabrics, and had it to me very quickly. I love it and it is a great way to organize circular needles, which I have a ton of. The size goes from 1 to 19 and the little pocket on top hold little gadgets. You will note of course that while it is hanging on the wall, it does not appear to have any needles in it; there are, but they are all in the bigger sizes and I could not get them all in the picture.
I am supposed to be working, but I know how long it has been since I made that last sad post. I have been knitting even though “they” say it is a bad thing. Nevertheless, I need the comfort knitting gives me (when I don’t have to work) I worked 7 days last week and it looks like I will this week, so I figure the knitting is not going to make much of a difference.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday and Monday where horrible days, I only wanted to sleep, cry or eat; however, I needed something to do, so I started knitting. You know how I have been knitting a row or two every night for several weeks. Well, I knit as much as I wanted to and didn’t do any housework. I did not feel any better, but at least my fingers were working. Of course, when I got to physical therapy on Tuesday morning my entire arm was hurting, but at least I knew why.
It is amazing how attached I was to Di, I didn’t realize before how much we were together, even in the bathroom, she was where ever I was. Now I look up to talk to her (even though she couldn’t hear) and she is not there. On the weekends, I only got up in the mornings because she needed to go outside and have her medicine, now it feels as though there is no reason to rush down stairs. I feel like I have lost a limb, and I know this will pass, but it is hard to get used to. At least I can write this (almost) without crying, I couldn’t yesterday or the day before. I know she is no longer in pain and that she is much happier where she is, keeping her alive any longer would have been cruel and I am okay with that. I will always have her in my heart, whether she is in my bed keeping my toes warm or not.
I’m sorry, this did not start out to be a sappy post, sometimes I start writing and just keep writing. You should be very happy I just cut myself off.
Have a great evening and knit an extra row for me (as there is no knitting for me for a couple of weeks.)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Blather and Friday Fillins
Have you heard the big uproar over the President’s speech to schools? People are saying he will be spreading propaganda and such, but I don’t remember this kind of uproar when Bush did the same thing a few years ago. I must be missing something.
I am so fortunate; I get to work on Saturday. I used to work 60 to 70 hours a week at this time of year, and now I am only working only 50 to 60, but I hate it. Wow, I am full of complaints! I will go away now, so I cannot complain anymore. :-)
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
1. I feel blahhh.
2. Going to physical therapy is always fun, NOT.
3. Right now, I can hear these things: my fan, the AC, women talking, and my ear ringing.
4. _____?______ and I'm glad _____?______.
5. The last time I had a decent vacation was when I went to Hawaii.
6. I have to work this Labor day weekend.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nothing, tomorrow my plans include work, knitting, and a picnic and Sunday, I want to knit and veg!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Rag Tag Knitters
I received the box Monday afternoon and it is now Tuesday evening and I am on my way to the post office to mail it out to the next person on the list. And I worked all day Monday and most of today at my real job. My box had yummy salt water taffy in it that I love, and some quilted coasters that Emily made and they are so cute, if you can see the pictures below. I also took a picture of the washcloth, but because of the pattern in the yarn, you can’t really see the pattern of the knitted fabric. It is a checkerboard design, very cute. I hope we can keep up the momentum!
Now I think I will go buy a bag of ice for my arm and wrist. lolol
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Rant
Now granted, she is taking a huge amount of them, she started at one a day last year and now she is at three, three times a day. Where is the freaking sense in this? The dog is more comfortable with the medicine, she actually wants to play for the first time in 3 months, but they are worried about her becoming addicted?!? I don’t think so. This is one of those things that makes me want to pull my hair out or slit my wrists (cyber wrist slitting). Come on, the dog is dying, nothing can be done for her but to make her comfortable so what the hell???
Sometimes I just don’t get it.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Pictures. . .
Lola and Di enjoying the front yard and looking for something to bark at (Di is not gaining weight, that is fluid that we cannot keep off of her and it builds up in the belly) -
Friday, August 28, 2009
This and That, Friday Fillins
I realized last night that I had not posted all week, but I am just not feeling it for some reason. Not just blogging, but anything, I don’t know why, but there it is. DD1 left me a comment telling me I was not blogging enough for her to keep up, I just laughed but I should have asked her where her blog was (snicker). Have you noticed bloggers who have decided not to blog on a regular basis anymore? I have decided they are putting too much pressure on themselves by blogging every day. I mean, they are great to read, but who can do that every single day of the week; don’t get me wrong, I love opening Grace’s blog to see what she is talking about every day, but I don’t know how she is keeping that up. I cannot.
I forgot to mention the last Mean Girls Sock kit; it had a cool gadget in it that I have wanted for a while (I love gadgets). It is a stitch saver. I think they are very cool and I used it for the very first time the other night when I was doing my allotted row for the night; mine has cool little beads on it. I wish I had purchased it before, because it is great! These are made by 5elementknitr and if you want one you can go here.
1. He was a butthead of the nth dimension.
2. Bad weather is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend gives me unconditional love.
4. If I want to win the lottery, I should buy a lottery ticket to be honest with you.
5. Appearances can be deceiving.
6. The last person I gave a hug to was Di.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep, tomorrow my plans include going out to breakfast with DD2 and her friend who is visiting from out of state, working and knitting 6 rows of anything and Sunday, I want to veg, but will be going to bunco!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Chatter and Friday Fillins
KnittySue recently had a contest that involved showing the contestants work space or table with all the paraphernalia that is kept in the area. It was fun to go and look at everyone’s work area, some of them had lotttttttts of stuff and it made me wonder how pets were kept out of the stuff. My cats are very nosy and if I leave anything out they will deliberately knock it on the floor and tear it up. Everyone else must have pets with better manners.
Guess What, I got to knit last night for 3 whole rows! Yeah!!!!! Project Runway started last night and I watched and knit. Maybe someday I will get to knit a whole project?!
1. I remember, I remember how to knit and when television was mostly black and white.
2. Dear Dear Daughters, I want you to know that you are both wonderful women.
3. Is that my pair of leggings on your legs!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of walking out the door of the office and deciding not to work for the next week.
5. I'm saving a hug just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list all of my pretend friends would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working late and then vegging, tomorrow my plans include working, and doing 4 rows of knitting and Sunday, I want to veg, but will be preparing the house for company!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I listen to recorded books a lot, and I have a subscription to Audible, where I can download books and listen from the computer or I-Pod. I love this as it keeps me entertained when I could possibly be bored with sitting still and I am not stuck watching mind numbing television. I am perturbed that I downloaded “Born in Ice” by Nora Roberts; her books are entertaining and easy to listen to when doing other things. The reader/narrator sucks big time! You cannot tell what character is speaking, as he never changes his voice. I am going to complain; even though it is the first time I have been disappointed with anything from Audible.
I feel like I have become a boring blogger since I cannot knit, it is very irritating. . .
Have a good day (or what's left of it)
Monday, August 17, 2009
More Blather
I was able to knit for two whole rows last night, it was very cool! It was my reward for with dealing with stupid on Saturday. You know I am working Saturdays now, until October 1, but it seems like some of the users I support don’t bring their brains with them to work on Saturday.
We are still trying to decide where to go for the week of Thanksgiving, but since it will only be the two of us, we decided to go away and have fun instead of trying to downsize turkey and mash potatoes for 2. Any suggestions?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I go into the Wee Tiny Sock club for autumn, very cool. There were only 8 spots left when I got in. I wonder how the knitting will go?????I have noticed my arm is feeling better, but now the back of my hand is hurting, the therapist says it is compensating for not using my thumb as much and too much work. Well, unfortunately, work is a necessity in my life (how about you?) so that will continue and I guess as long as it is hurting I know I am alive. :-)
Have a great day!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Have a great weekend!
1. When will the sun shine again?
2. I cannot remember what the last good book I read or movie I saw or tv show I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but dawn has a beauty all its own.4. Pizza is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your input on how to knit faster.
6. The beach (Key West) is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to work, tomorrow my plans include more work and Sunday, I want to veg!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dogs on Thursday
She has discovered that the tomatoes bushes are good things, I put her outside the other night and she walked to each bush to eat the tomatoes, and she is very picky, she normally will only take the ripe ones. Needless to say, DD2 and I are not seeing many of the wonderful vine ripened tomatoes.
I am a team captain for Dish Rag Tag, and I cannot wait to get started. I always have a good time with that. We are trying to think up a team name now, and I am so bad at that. I wish I were more imaginative and original.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Yuck . . .
The fur floating around on the floors of my house is killing me. If I clean the floor this morning (which isn’t going to happen), they are covered in hair by evening. DD2 vacuumed the furniture in the living room yesterday and it looks almost like new. So tonight, I think we are shaving the cats; hopefully they will look like this in the morning-
But I think they will get more of their heads and paws shaved if we can.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Just saying. . .
Friday, August 7, 2009
1. Enjoying the sun is my favorite summertime activity.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies is the Breakfast Club.
3. Di’s snout is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon makes me want to howl!
5. I need to take a nap right now.
6. When daylight fades I sometimes get a creepy feeling.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working (it is that time of year again), tomorrow my plans include more work and Sunday, I want to do nothing!