Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Whiskers on Wednesday

My kitties, Jack and Onyx have been especially cuddly and clingy lately (I think it is because Di is not scaring them away from me). So Jack and Onyx have been fighting over who can sit on my feet while I work from home, once they argue about it, they normally both curl up on my feet and go to sleep until I disturb them. The really hate it when I take their picture when they are under my desk, as you can tell by the glare in the Devil Cats eyes.

Jill (DD2’s cat) checks on me at night (and wakes me up) but she is the funniest cat. Demands that I keep the water bowl in my room filled for her (she is the only one that uses it) and she will get pissy with me until I do.
Aren’t cats great!

1 comment:

rita said...

Love 'em! No point fighting them; they'll always win!

Our two have been very lovey-dovey and clingy since our 5-week stint away from home. It's like they're afraid to let us out of their sight.