Wow, look what I just received! Isn’t it beautiful? This is the first hand knit anything apparel that I have ever received and it is gorgeous. Thank you Grace, I love this shawl. And in her gracious way, she included some extras, a pair of good smelling tea lights and a magnet with my initials that fits into my office perfectly.
I have started reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini, the sequel to Eragon and Eldest. They are fantasy books, but for some reason I find them interesting.

The problem is I am still working 7 days a week (at least until October 1) so knitting and reading time is very limited. I have started a new dishcloth for my swap partner, a sweater for me, a sweater for my oldest daughter, a scarf for my other daughter, and a hat for her boyfriend. Now I just get to feel pulled whenever I either read or knit, if I am reading I want to knit, If I am knitting I want to read, I just cannot make up my mind. Maybe I will give both up and sleep :-)
I found another contest that Rita, at Keeping Knit Simple, is having, you can go here to enter it. She wants everyone to leave their best tips, she says "Funny is not only accepted but encouraged." Go ahead and giver her your best and funniest tips, and please tell her I sent you.
The shawl is gorgeous!
I had no idea there was a 3rd book, I still haven't gotten around to the 2nd book yet.
There just isn't enough time to do everything. I've combined knitting and reading together by listening to audio books. It's not the same as reading a book in printed form, but it is a compromise for now, otherwise no reading will be done.
BTW, I can't remember if I told you why my blog is temporarily in French. There's a little blurb about the reason in my Ravelry profile.
That is fantastic! I love the colors. I have been wanting to read those books for awhile now, but like everyone else, I seem to have too much to do and not enough time!
Georgi, lady, that is one gorgeous shawl! Thank you for blurbing my contest.
ANDDDDDDDDD---you won first place in my blogaversary contest! You get the cd, Live at IOTA by Last Train Home, and 6 balls of Knit Picks wool, Hyacinth (I think). Please email me (m post @ harrisonburg . k12. va. us
i am so glad you are happy with your shawl and congrats on being on a winning streak
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