Thursday, June 4, 2009

No More Yarn for Me. .

Did you hear the door slamming shut the Tuesday night with a huge bang; that was the door that controls my yarn budget, slamming shut. I took Di to the vet Tuesday evening and we were there for a couple of hours. The result is that there is nothing else he can do for her, he has tapped out on the meds and surgery is not a possibility so he suggested a cardiologist. A doggy cardiologist is just as much as a human cardiologist, only I do not have insurance and a co-pay to cover the visits. lolol Her heart is pressing against her trachea and she eventually just will not be able to breath, but what can I do? We have increased everything to the max dosage, so he is hoping that the cardi will know something better that will relieve the pressure. He also things she has some strain of lupus that is causing her nose to crack and peel, so she has to have sunscreen on her snout when she goes out (and do you know how many times a day a dox on Lasix goes out?); in addition, she is starting to show signs of doggy senility. This whole thing is like a tumbleweed, rolling out of control. Aging is a nasty process isn’t it, for people and for pets.

The whole thing makes me very sad, but I am not depressed, where I plan on slitting my wrists. It is just sad to watch someone I love decline.

Now that we are all nice and sad, I have to tell you I did buy the Maggie Sefton book the other night, but when Di and I got in bed, we decided that we wanted the comfort of the familiar and went for an oooold Nora Roberts, Born in Ice. Maggie Sefton will be for tonight or over the weekend.

I am working away on the one row scarf, it isn’t hurting my arm or wrist, but I am only doing a few rows at a time. I am still working on the baby blanket for the woman at work, but I can only do a couple of rows a night on that one, but at least I am knitting!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Di. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one decline. It doesn't matter to me if the loved one is human or a beloved pet. I know my Jake is as much my child as my own three human ones.

I am saddened to think of the days we used to take walks after school or the days he used to play out in the back yard for hours on end with a ball or stick. He can barely move now much of the time!

The problem with these types of loved ones is that they can't tell you if they are in pain. Some are just so good at hiding it!

Just know that I am thinking of you!

Grace said...

Love the Born In Series, I just want to pack up and move to Ireland when i read them

Sorry about your pet! I ams ure she knows the love you have given her!

vickie said...

i am sorry to read the bad news about your loved one. it is never easy my dog called my siamese cat because my roommate left door open she got in back yard caught a bird well my dog decided she wanted the bird too. its never easy seeing one go no matter how it is {{{{HUGS}}}}

Toni said...

Oh no! I cried for days when I had to put my old cat, Catanova, down.


Sue said...

We went thru the doggy senility thing with Pylon. I had to watch her every minute outside because she would just wander off. Sometimes she got lost in the house and would bark. I'd have to go find her and lead her back to where everyone else was. It's so sad to watch. Cherish the time you have remaining with her.

Tally Knits said...

Too bad about your Di. It's sooo hard to see them get old. I'm a vet tech and age is the saddest thing to see. One of my girls is 17 herself (thankfully, going strong other than deafness and severe cataracts) and I know the day is coming soon when she'll leave me. It's a hard decision to make when it comes to medical care and costs... we love them as much as a human and it's so difficult to know where to draw the line financially, emotionally, and between our feelings and the animal's needs.

Good luck with her. You'll know the right thing to do for her.

sheep#100 said...

Sorry about the dog.

I just cracked open the latest Sefton - mine's from the library though. I don't like her stuff enough to buy in hardcopy.

rita said...

I loved Born in Fire!

I'm so sorry that you've reached this point with Di. Not that you've had her this long, you know what I mean. I cannot imagine how much a doggie cardiologist is! I ended up sending my Pookie, 16, to the Bridge because of her senility. I gave her some drug for a year that helped to control it, but she still slipped away from me. When all she did was pace, then sleep, I knew it was time to let go. She didn't even recognize me anymore. It was heartbreaking.

Our babies are worth any amount of yarn!