Thursday, June 19, 2008

Life goes on. . .

I have been getting great suggestions for my blog, most of them having to do with pictures, so I guess I will have to play search and find with my camera so I can start offering more pictures. Of course, it won’t be this post, but the next one, because I am not sure if I can find my camera, it may be packed with all of my household goods.

We are still living in a hotel; we probably will be for another 6 weeks. The cats and dogs don’t mind it, but it is wearing thin in my opinion. So far we have looked at 67 houses within a 30-mile radius of my new job, (we did not take an advance house-hunting trip) and we are scheduled to look at 4 more tomorrow. I found a house with a pool that I like, but now that it is within reach, I am not sure if I want to make the effort to clean and care for a pool. Just shows that you don’t always know what you want until you have it handed to you and then have to take care of it :-)What do those of you who have pools think, should I get the house with a pool?

I have started my job, and everyone is having a hard time adjusting to the altitude, I am so tired at night, that I just look at the knitting sitting next to me and close my eyes. Maybe Saturday I will take it out to the pool and enjoy the non-humid sunshine.


smariek said...

67 houses! I feel tired just thinking about that.

We had spent months house hunting, starting out with putting 10-ish houses on our "to see" list in one day. (We were limited by having to spend an hour driving to the cities we were interested in, so couldn't fit in more houses on Sat/Sun open houses), and that was just too many. We were so tired afterward and many of the houses became a blur despite making an effort to write down notes/impressions immediately after seeing a house.

Then we got the process streamlined after getting a better feel for what we like or want in a house, so could easily eliminate non starters and not waste time looking at them.

And it got even better when we found a great realtor who could help us zero in on potential houses, plus it allowed us access to houses on weekdays.

I hope you find your house soon. It can't be fun living in a hotel for such a long time.

Renna said...

I'm not the right person to ask about a pool. I've wanted one my entire life (am 52), and don't have one yet. I endure the humid heat of northeast Texas for several months out of each year, and I know it would be worth it to me. If I had to work full time, my opinion might change, though, considering the work of it's upkeep.

Best of luck on finding the right house to meet your needs SOON!

Josiane said...

Good luck with the house hunt! I've just did it, and I've been lucky to find the right one in a relatively short time, so I can only imagine how terrible it must be to go through so many visits and still not finding...
As for the pool, I'm sorry I can't offer any advice: as soon as we saw one on a listing for a house that seemed otherwise correct, it was crossed off our list: I really couldn't see myself taking care of it. But here, a pool can't be used much more than two or three months a year, so it's not a big loss, and I won't have many opportunities to miss it much; things may be different where you are.

travelingonion said...

I have a pool. 40 thousand gallons. I loved it while I was in my 20's, 30's, 40's. Mostly because
my brother and sisters would bring their broods by and we would have a lot of fun sharing our
summers. I look back and remember how nice it was for my dad to be able to swim in privacy,
while he coped with all his physical ailments. He was able to enjoy every day he had left.

That was good for that time in my life, we still have the pool, and it's a way of life for us. But if
I were buying another house I wouldn't be putting in a pool. Not now. I'm in my 50's and it's heavy,
and expensive work. Starting a pool up in the late spring, waiting for the pollen to be over, laying
out good hard money on pool chemicals, being up at dawn to work the pump, pulling drowned
mice out of the skimmer, it's HARD. Then in the fall you have to be wonder woman getting all the
leaves out of it, one breeze and they blow back in. (I'm in New England)
If you want a pool, go for it. Your hard work will be worth it. But if you're not that wild about having
one make it clear with your realtor, not to waste your time. Otherwise that better be one FANTASTIC HOUSE.

Turtle said...

Good luck to ytou with the house hunting! this happened to us in hawaii and it took a good 2 weeks, i thought it would take even longer...everyone ran credit checks and even though we had excellent credit there were dozens per decent home. So fingers crossed for you!